Re-authorize with Hypefury

Black Magic has joined Hypefury
As per Twitter requirements, we are required to re-authorize all existing users with Hypefury. Please complete the migration process to continue using Black Magic.
This is a one-time process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to do this?
Black Magic has joined Hypefury and now become a part of Hypefury. To comply with Twitter API policy, we are required to re-authorize all of our customers to the new Hypefury Twitter app. This is a requirement from Twitter team and we cannot skip this step.
Can I do this later?
Twitter team gave us a deadline of May 31st, 2023. We will send you a reminder email before that date. However, we recommend you to do this as soon as possible.
What happens if I don't re-authorize?
If you don't re-authorize before the deadline, Black Magic will not be able to access your Twitter data anymore. This means you will not see new analytics, engagement tracking, and scheduled tweets will stop working until you re-authorize. Note that you can still use Black Magic to view your previous data you have with Black Magic from the dashboard.
What does "re-authorize" mean?
Previously, when you login with Twitter on Black Magic, you authorized a Twitter app named "Black Magic" to access your Twitter data. "Re-authorize" means you will now authorize again with a new Twitter App named "Hypefury". We need to do this because the "Black Magic" Twitter app will stop working after the deadline. Going forward, we will use the "Hypefury" Twitter app to access your Twitter data and provide analytics to you.
I clicked "re-authorize", then the page reload with the successful message without me having to confirm anything. Is that normal?
Yes, that's normal. If it happpens, it means you have already authorized the "Hypefury" Twitter app before. If you see the "Well done! You're all set" message on this page, it means everything is good now.
I'm already a Hypefury user, do I need to re-authorize?
Yes, and it will be faster. If you are already a Hypefury user, the re-authorize process will simply confirm your authorization. You'll probably see the page redirect to Twitter and then go back to this page with a successful message, that's normal.
Have other questions?
Feel free to contact us at